Property Owners Association

The Sherwood Forest Estates POA's purpose is to provide residents with information about issues, concerns and events in the neighborhood. The POA funds projects and events to benefit the whole community.


Fire Department

The Sherwood Forest Fire Department (SFEFD) is a trained group of firefighters who seek to help protect our neighborhood. The firehouse at the north end of Little John houses eight trucks and extensive equipment to fight both house fires and wildland fires.



The SFE FD Auxiliary provides special financial support for the fire department and its volunteers. To raise these funds, the Auxiliary hosts pancake breakfasts, dinners, raffles, cake walks, craft bazaars, and community yard sales. The Auxiliary also has t-shirts and hats for sale.


Neighborhood Watch

The SFE Neighborhood Watch was organized in 2008 to help protect the homes and properties in SFE. Volunteer Block Captains keep neighbors informed of suspicious activity in the neighborhood.
